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Best Ways To Overcome From Demotivation And Self Confidant


The truth is that we could not have done anything better than ourselves, and the only reason we never achieve anything meaningful in this world was because of our own negative self-talk and thoughts. We must accept ourselves, without judging ourselves, and then we have to learn to love ourselves. However, there is no point in blaming others for what we cannot control, so let me tell you from my personal experience, that life is a great gift. You can do everything you want but sometimes it will be too much pressure and you may fall back into your old patterns. I know I had many times before when I thought “I can’t do this anymore,” my body was breaking down my legs, and my mind was constantly racing with thoughts and emotions. There were many times when I felt like nothing was going right. It would be just unbearable to try and just quit, or sometimes you just wanna explode out of your bed, and that’s why you need motivation. If you don't have self-motivation then you can’t accomplish anything. When you lack motivation you are at an advanced stage of depression. Nowadays, most people are depressed because their lives are all messed up. No matter how hard you fight you might fall back to where you were 5 years ago. A lot of us go through the same situation each day. So to avoid such situations, if you feel like giving up then stay motivated. This is what happened to me, I needed the motivation to overcome this feeling. Here are some things that helped me in overcoming my negative habit:

1. I used to listen to positive songs/music/podcasts.

Image by Dorothe from Pixabay 

(I also listened to my favorite song named 'Life’ by an R&B band) and watch inspirational videos. Sometimes I would get nervous and overthink something that happened during class. But after listening to these motivational clips, I started doing something that I hadn’t done before, and finally, I got over my negative thinking. All my negative thought was starting to fade away and now I started focusing on myself and making sure that I am happy. I also kept reminding myself how good I’d been doing. I didn’t want my classmates to know that I was struggling a bit. I just wanted to keep reminding myself to continue my studies. Yes, sometimes you face problems while studying but don’t give up. And it takes time but the end result is always worth it!

2. I am trying to change my outlook on the world. I think a lot of people give up when they see people in a bad mood or fail. But I didn’t want that kind of people around me, and that’s why I think it’s important to motivate yourself if you don’t know who you are yet. People should not judge themselves, for example, if there are three different characters in my life this would be the character with whom I would go for a walk. Because my whole life I’ve been having this character with myself, but when my thoughts came in those thoughts were filled with my negative self-talk. So to avoid this kind of people, I tried to stay inspired and focus on myself, and then eventually I got motivated to study and finish my exam. That’s how I managed to complete my degree, why did I even bother. My self-motivation helped me to become successful in my career and now I am working somewhere as a manager of a marketing company.

3. In general everyone needs someone to inspire them,

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

when you do a successful task you get motivated to repeat those actions again and again. So if you keep doing that,

you might get the same results in the future. So you need the motivation to keep going. Maybe you need a video to get motivated as well, you watch motivating movies, or maybe you need an encouraging family member, and that’s when you start getting motivated. Just keep doing it, and once you are motivated then you get motivation towards finishing it.

4. Try to learn new skills and improve one more time. Whenever I see an advert or any job posting for a position, I really like and look for details like responsibilities, salary package, and even other required skills that I need, and try to learn them or improve these skills at least once a week. Then, whenever I apply for a job, I have to prove my skill and knowledge in front of the interviews to get chosen. For this purpose, I spend so much time learning new soft skills that I can implement that will help me in the workplace. You can always do a project or take a course online. Also, whenever and wherever you need support, reach out to friends and family who you trust. They'll help you in whatever way they think is best for you. By all means, try to seek advice from them. Believe in them. Have a support system even when you are in doubt.

5. Keep telling yourself that you are going to finish your tasks/projects on time. Set deadlines and goals in your head and make sure that you accomplish all these deadlines on time. Don't focus on the past because that's just a waste of energy. Focus on the present and put all these positive thoughts/thoughts aside, and then focus on accomplishing your goal.

6. Believe in yourself

Keep pushing, believe in yourself, and believe that you are going to accomplish anything. Don’t let yourself fall down into depression because in the first moment you feel that you don’t deserve any good things in this world because you made yourself unhappy, and this is not a problem but a temporary weakness that you have. You have to find that inner motivation and strength and get motivated to push yourself forward.

7. Learn to set realistic expectations but don't underestimate yourself. Every person gets negative feedback at some point. So you shouldn’t underestimate yourself instead, you should set realistic expectations. Make sure that you are meeting your expectations. Do everything on time and strive for perfection.

8. Find someone or something that motivates you and encourages you. Be grateful for what you have, and don't forget about the little things that you have. Always be thankful for your loved ones. This will be the key to helping you get motivated.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

9. Practice a simple technique to get motivated. Start journaling to remind yourself that you are capable of achieving something. Think about the small things that you can accomplish and try to find them within the next few days. As soon as you get enough motivation for the small stuff, then you start creating more and more. Take things from the smallest things to the most complicated ones. As long as you have a purpose in your life, that’ll help you in getting motivation.

10. Create a list of things that you want to accomplish. Draw a timeline of events in your life, and start adding achievements to it. Write down all your tasks and achievements and highlight them. Then write down all the small things that you have achieved, and add every achievement to the list as well. Make a promise to yourself to accomplish all the small things that you need to be starting with this.

11. Practice, practice, practice, and try to accomplish even the smallest of tasks.

12. Set a reminder system on your phone and turn off notifications as soon as possible. You have to remember those things which you need to get done. You wouldn't want to miss out on those simple steps. Even if you have to wait until tomorrow or the weekend.

13. Ask yourself what you wouldn’t do without self-motivation. Would anything be possible with your level of self-motivation? Would you be able to do anything?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

14. Read motivational books and websites. Those who want to achieve something are reading books/websites like this.

15. Get involved in social media pages and connect with people who inspire you. Remember what type of people you want to surround yourself with.

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