When you think of the best movies in the world, many people think of classic American films and their actors. After all, most have been successful enough to continue producing hits throughout the decades and enjoy a steady income. These are some of the top 10 Hollywood films that keep viewers coming back for more!
1) Breakfast Of Champions( 1997)
The movie follows a college football coach struggling to beat rival teams with his newly formed university rival squad. He gets involved in a match with his older rival gang where he loses to the latter. Later, he stumbles in front of a bus leaving the stadium after a party and runs against the clock trying to catch up with the train to avoid falling behind. He is soon chasing after a runaway horse but runs straight into the hands of a police officer who forces him to surrender. A confrontation escalates and a shootout ensues with the two squads fighting over everything.
2) Pretty Women( 1989)
After five guys band together to form the band Hot Girls, the idea of forming a better version to replace the original one sparks a huge fight between them. During the first battle, the group is attacked by a mob and nearly destroyed. Things turn very badly and things get worse when the band members are confronted even further. Then a miracle happens, two women arrive at the rescue location, telling them that this is not a normal night and that women don’t need a backup. Together, the two groups go on to become one, despite the death of both sides in the initial assault. Just like in most romance movies, the main question arises right from the outset. Who is going to bring them back? As the play continues, the viewer can expect lots of twists and turns, the ending being just the perfect twist. Although the plot is fairly simple and straightforward, it is still easy to follow and get invested in the characters. The song “Pretty Girl” by Whitney Houston really adds to this movie since it is based on real events. The performance is impressive and the chemistry among the actors is also exceptional. I enjoyed this movie while watching it with my husband, two times.
3) Wall Street (1996)
Wall Street is a comedy starring Paul Newman as Jordan Belfort, who faces many challenges and failures in his career. He manages to succeed and live happily until he bumps into a friend who has died in a plane crash. After the tragic incident, he returns to New York City and joins a prestigious investment firm. Unfortunately, one day he discovers that someone from his former place of employment is now running the company and trying to sabotage him. Once he catches wind of the plan, he starts working together with the rest of the employees to stop them and put a halt to the destruction of Wall Street. By the time the conclusion comes, he is reunited with the ones who helped him along the way and can escape successfully. It is not merely a story about hard-working families struggling to make ends meet and a reminder of how far they have come. Everything is made possible by the support and love of those people. Most importantly, it shows the power of forgiveness. Everyone deserves to feel loved.
4) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory( 1988)
A little bit different from the previous two movies, this release from Pixar features three witches and three ghosts. Charlie Brown and Jiminy Cricket team up with Buddy Holly (played by Tony Van Rooy) to uncover the truth behind the horror of cursed chocolate. A unique combination, the trio is joined by Tina Fey and Julia Roberts to create an extraordinary musical comedy. Set in a candy town, the plot, which revolves around the girls' dream of escaping a wicked Witch World, takes us through a rollercoaster ride of emotions to our last breath. Even though it has quite dark themes, it is easy to forget about it all when viewed alongside beautiful animation effects and breathtaking songs. It remains a great movie to re-watch whenever someone is nostalgic for childhood.
5) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2005)
The movie follows twelve-year-old eleven-year-old boy Harry Potter (played by Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Jude Law, and Keira Knightley), Harry and his three mates embark upon an epic journey within Hogwarts against evil wizards and goblins. However, things begin to look rather different as they discover things they did not want to know during their first days of learning from their teacher. Along the way, they face obstacles, misunderstandings, and enemies. An excellent feature of the movie is the fact that everything is presented as either a flashback from memory or an instant replay of a day in Hogwarts. Due to the popularity of the book series, it has become extremely popular, which makes it a compelling story. However, it does take a lot of work to understand everything and it takes a lot more than simply following the rules. Also, the themes are quite varied, and they are incredibly relevant to everyone's life. That is certainly one of the positives of the movie.
6) Back To The Future (1985)
If you didn’t want to see any of these, don't worry because we have got you covered here. We've done the research to show what really happens in the future. Now, let’s move on to the actual science fiction elements of the movie. One particular scene that brings the message home and sets the tone for future years is where the same car arrives from the past that caused the accident to happen in the present timeline. It is truly thrilling and exciting. Another great example is when John Connor (played by Harrison Ford) meets Robert Zemeckis’ Will Smith in space. At first, it seems strange how similar they are, considering both are teenagers. However, the movie soon leads everyone to wonder what happened and what kind of consequences will come from such an event. There is also a touching moment towards the end of the movie as Tom says goodbye to Michael as he takes off toward high school. This movie is definitely worth all the hype and excitement created by Warner Bros in 1985.
7) Finding Mr. Soberly (1997)
Another sequel to the series, it starred David Spade, Kevin Spacey, Jason Momoa, and Sarah Jessica Parker as four middle school students who go on a road trip as they attempt to solve drug and booze addictions. While looking for answers for themselves, they encounter a group of young adults who need help in finding Mr. Soberly. This character is used by a psychiatrist and psychologist, who uses him to take care of their patients and even asks him for help if he wants to. His job involves having patients write letters to him explaining their problems and giving them hope and inspiration to overcome them. There is no doubt that the success of this movie is due to the brilliant cast and scriptwriting. Not only that, but it still works as a movie worth seeing, although some might think it is too old, compared to the fresh new generation.
8) Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom (1981)
The movie tells the true story of two con men who fall in love and start traveling the world searching for treasure. Meanwhile, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is playing Frank Blacktop, a man who is kidnapped by Nazis and taken to the underworld to meet their mysterious leader known as Red Room. Despite everything, their romantic relationship blossoms until one day they realize something sinister is going on and that they must find the right path to destroy Red Room before it can harm anyone else. For every wonderful part, there are also plenty of flaws. From misleading characters to making mistakes to make money, the action-packed adventure makes the movie worth watching. But after listening to the official soundtrack, which contains several songs that you may have never known, it appears to be very enjoyable and well-written. If you enjoyed this fantastic adventure, then give yourself the gift of good karma and watch “Indiana Jones 3”. It is almost as equally entertaining as the first two.
9) The Lion King (1975)
The heartwarming story is about Mufi and Nala, two lions who are raised by their father, Tefu, but they were orphaned at birth due to unfortunate circumstances. They both become children again when the king finds out their mother was killed by the evil Jafar. As young lion cubs, they are later adopted by their uncle Scar, who becomes their guardian.
10) The Sound Of Music (1965)
The Sound Of Music is one of the highest-rated movie releases in the ’60s, with multiple Academy Awards nominations. This film stars Marlon Brando as Captain Von Trapp, who goes on an adventure with his family to visit his dead brother, played by Christopher Walken. In this movie, he encounters a girl named Maria and eventually falls in love with her. However, their relationship does not survive. However, they get another chance when she is turned into the personification of The Princess And The Frog. It has remained a cult classic due to its amazing performances and outstanding musical score by Richard Williams. Some people consider it one of the greatest romantic comedies ever made, which is why you should watch it with your parents or friends.