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Psychology Facts About Human Behavior That Will Blow Your Mind


Psychological science is the study of how people think, feel, and behave. There are many facts about human behavior that make for an interesting read and that will blow your mind.

Introduction: Psychology Facts:

The Big Five Personality Traits of Humankind:

2.5% of the World’s Population is Left-handed: 20 Fascinating Facts About Lefthandedness:

Humans Live in a 2D World:


Introduction: Psychology Facts:

Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior. It is a very interesting topic that can provide insights into why we behave the way we do. In this blog post, we will explore some fascinating psychological facts about human behavior that will blow your mind!

The Big Five Personality Traits of Humankind:

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay 

1. We are more likely to conform to social norms when we are tired.

2. We are more likely to take risks when we are feeling happy.

3. We are more likely to remember negative information than positive information.

4. We are more likely to judge others harshly when we are feeling threatened.

5. We are more likely to be influenced by authority figures than by our peers.

6. We are more likely to procrastinate when we feel overwhelmed by a task.

7. We are more likely to seek out social interactions when we are feeling lonely.

8. We are more likely to engage in risky behaviors when we feel invincible.

9. We are more likely to make impulsive decisions when we are hungry.

10. We are more likely to trust our gut instinct than rational thought when making decisions

2.5% of the World’s Population is Left-handed: 20 Fascinating Facts About Lefthandedness:

When it comes to personality, there are a lot of different theories out there. But one of the most widely accepted is the Big Five model of personality. This theory breaks down personality into five different factors: neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness.

Each person has their own unique combination of these traits, which can give us insight into why we behave the way we do. Here are some psychological facts about the Big Five personality traits that will blow your mind!

Neuroticism: People who score high in neuroticism are more likely to experience negative emotions like anxiety, depression, and anger. They’re also more prone to physical health problems like heart disease and migraines.

Extraversion: Extraverts are outgoing and enjoy being around people. They tend to be more successful in leadership roles and are more likely to take risks.

Agreeableness: Agreeable People are cooperative and compassionate. They’re typically good team players and are less likely to experience conflict in their relationships.

Conscientiousness: Conscientious people are organized and goal-oriented. They’re reliable and often excel in their careers.

Did you know that only about 10% of the world’s population is left-handed? This means that if you’re left-handed, you’re in the minority!

Left-handedness is often seen as a sign of creativity and intelligence. Famous lefties include Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, and Karl Marx.

Left-handed people are also more likely to be ambidextrous, meaning they can use both their left and right hand equally well.

There are some interesting theories about why there are so few left-handed people in the world. One theory is that it’s because left-handedness is a recessive trait. This means that it takes two people who are carriers of the trait (meaning they don’t show any signs of being left-handed themselves) to have a left-handed child.

Another theory is that left-handedness is linked to certain medical conditions, such as schizophrenia. This theory suggests that because these conditions are less common, so is left-handedness.

Whatever the reason for it, being left-handed makes you part of a small but special group!

Humans Live in a 2D World:

Image by Megan Rexazin from Pixabay 

We, humans, like to think that we're rational beings, but the truth is that we're often governed by emotions and impulses that we don't even realize. Here are some mind-blowing facts about human behavior that will change the way you see yourself and others.

1. We're all a little bit racist.

Yes, even you. Studies have shown that everyone has at least a little bit of implicit bias against people who are different from them. It's not something we can help, and it's not something we should be ashamed of – it's just a fact of human nature.

2. We're more likely to trust someone if they look like us.

Again, this is something that we can't help. Studies have shown that we're more likely to trust someone – and even give them preferential treatment – if they look like us in terms of race, ethnicity, or even gender.

3. We tend to conform to the norms of our social groups.

Have you ever noticed how people in the same social group tend to dress alike, talk alike, and even think alike? That's because humans are hardwired to conform to the norms of our social groups. 


Who would have thought that psychology could be so interesting? These facts about human behavior are definitely eye-opening, and it's amazing to think about how much our minds affect our everyday lives. If you're interested in learning more about psychology, be sure to check out some of the resources in the article below. Thanks for reading!

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